Today's suggestions


The restaurant serves an excellent breakfast and lunch with a varied menu to members and their guests at the University Club. For members, academic associations and scientific organizations, rooms are available for lunch meetings, where the same meals can be served as in the restaurant, with a small charge for the use of the room. The capacity of these rooms varies from 2 to 102 seats. Advance reservation is required.

The restaurant is open from 12 to 2 pm from Monday to Friday. You can choose from the menu of the day, the monthly suggestion, and meals à la carte.

If possible, book one day in advance via or this link.


Menu of the week

Vegetable broth


Turkey roullade, stuffed with green asparagus, creamy gravy, Spring vegetables and pommes croquettes

€ 25.00
Suggestion of the Chef

Asparagus Flemish style (+ € 5.00) or

Asparagus with Mousseline sauce (+ € 5.00) or

Asparagus with vinaigrette dressing (+ € 5.00) or

Asparagus with mousseline sauce and smoked salmon (+ € 7.00)

Asparagus with mousseline sauce and smoked ham (+ € 7.00)


Ruccola salad with mango and spicy pastrami


Little Greek vegetarian salad


Crown of lamb with fresh herbs, green asparagus, young carrots, shimenji mushrooms and watercress (+ € 8.00)


Filet of cod with Hollandaise sauce, young spinach, cherry tomatoes and yellow zucchini


Fresh fusilli pasta with ricotta, young carrots, watercress and shi-take mushrooms


Red fruit salad with yoghurt ice-cream


Cheese selection of the chef ( + € 5.00)


€ 40.00