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Ce qui suit est une liste de livres qui ont été subventionnés depuis 2013 par la Fondation Universitaire. Les livres sont triés par année de publication et par titre. Une liste étendue des livres subventionnés se trouve dans la section "Archive des publications".
The Habsburg Court of Brussels remains one of the few early modern princely courts that have never been thoroughly studied by historians. Yet it offers a unique case, particularly with regard to the first decades of the seventeenth century. Once home to the Dukes of Burgundy, the ancient palace on the Coudenberg hill in Brussels became the principal residence of the Habsburg governors in the Low Countries and, in the period 1598-1621, that of Archduke Albert and his wife, the Spanish Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia.
The activities of Rogier van der Weyden (1399/1400-1464) were much wider in scope than the well-known painted oeuvre that has been the subject of so many publications. This book, with its focus on stone sculpture in Brussels at the time that Rogier was established there, an area of art history that to date has been little explored, offers a fresh and fascinating look at the context in which Brussels’s famous city painter operated.
Although women were called the “pious sex” much earlier, it was during the nineteenth century, when the differences between men and women were being made more explicit, that an intense bond between women and religion was developed. Religiosity was thought to be a “natural” part of femininity and turned religious masculinity into an oddity.
Das Grenzgebiet Eupen-Malmedy kann auf eine bewegte Geschichte zurückblicken. Nach langjähriger Zugehörigkeit zu den Niederlanden, dem Anschluss an das revolutionäre Frankreich und der 105-jährigen preußischen/deutschen Zeit wurde es durch den Versailler Vertrag schließlich dem Königreich Belgien zugesprochen. Aus diesem Blickwinkel werden hier mit Hilfe der komparatistischen Imagologie die deutsch-belgisch-französischen Beziehungen betrachtet. Wie wurde in der Zwischenkriegszeit der Nationalitätenwechsel Eupen-Malmedys wahrgenommen? Wie wurde das Kriegstrauma verarbeitet?
In the preface to La Mort de César (1736), Voltaire claimed to have written a tragedy inspired by Julius Caesar that, while not resembling Shakespeare’s play, was «entirely in the English taste». Such a claim has so far gone virtually unnoticed in scholarly circles, despite its intriguing nature. Furthermore, La Mort de César is commonly referred to as a cornerstone in the European reception of Shakespeare’s drama even though, according to Voltaire, his play was far removed from the barbaric, tasteless and therefore «untranslatable» Julius Caesar.
Souvent jugée sectaire et dogmatique, la production culturelle communiste de l’immédiat après-guerre et de la guerre froide n’a que rarement suscité des analyses approfondies, particulièrement dans le contexte belge qu’interroge ce livre. Proposant pour la première fois une analyse systématique de la critique littéraire dans les journaux communistes de l’époque (1944-1956), Laurence van Nuijs examine la conception de la littérature qui s’y développe au quotidien.
The texts edited in this volume deal with angelology and anthropology, and particularly with the nature and the functions of immaterial substances like angels and the human rational soul. Marchia discusses such controversial issues as universal hylomorphism, i.e., whether angels and the rational soul are composed of both matter and form (q. 13), the immortality of the soul (qq. 18-19), and the nature and the object of the intellect and will (qq. 20, 21), as well as the functionality of the angelic intellect - whether angels understand through discursive reasoning (q.